What we can do for your company
Factory of the Future® can help your company directly. We bring decades of talent to bear on your critical issues and assist in moving your factory towards all it can be.
Whether you need a Total Preventative Maintenance program to increase uptime, Process Optimization to reduce wastes and defects, or a Sustainability Reporting Program to satisfy the needs of your prime customer, we can help.
We would be pleased to help you because as we all improve the whole industry becomes more competitive, more efficient, and more resilient. That’s what we are here for – to help you succeed, and to make things more sustainable!
View Success Stories from the businesses we have helped
HHow can you engage with us? Send us an email through Contact Us!
The 6 Top Services We Offer
Supply Chain Hardening
Do your Tier 2 suppliers operate in a climate-risky area of the globe? Concerned that transport delays and failed on-time delivery could sink your deliverables to your customer? Factory of the Future® can help you assess supply chain risk, resilience and offer actionable steps to harden, near-shore, and grow-your-own solutions to protect your relationship with your customers. Need more supplier options, or want to take a look at re-shoring? Get in touch!
Total Preventative Maintenance
Unexpected Downtime…Some think it’s inevitable. We know even the best-in-class organizations struggle to balance producing goods and maintaining the equipment that does the work. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) can be your magic wand to push that uptime into the 90+ percent range. We have helped businesses of all sizes install their own TPM programs and helped them learn the fine points of the measurements needed to assure upper management that it works. Drop us a note and we can chat about it!
Carbon Footprints
Has one of your customers just asked you how much carbon you emitted last year? Or did they say you need to fill out a detailed survey of all your Greenhouse Gas Emissions including Scope 3? Have no fear! Factory of the Future® is here! Our staff has been helping businesses of every size from family-owned job shops to fortune 300 multi-nationals figure out their Carbon Footprint using real data so the numbers are backed up and verified (not just a guess in the dark). Get in touch to find out more!
ESG Strategy & Program Development
Over 83% of publicly traded companies globally are acting on Sustainability goals and missions. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), relates how a business conducts itself to how it impacts the environment, the community, and the regulations it must abide by. Sound complicated? We have skills to help you organize and file information with TCFD, GRI, CDP, and other ESG frameworks, or to develop your own ESG report for communicating how what you do benefits the community, the Earth, and the future. We can help simplify the process, contact us!
Process Optimization
Gone are the days when raw materials and labor were cheap and local and federal governments were not so particular about how much and where wastes went. Todays’ Top Tier manufacturing corporations are the epitome of clean, efficient, and sustainable. Factory of the Future® can help you get there too. Whether it’s going Zero-Waste to Landfill, ISO 14000 certification, a deep dive into Lean, Training Within Industry, closed-loop waste and chemical processes, and even making your products Circular (Make > Use > Repair > Return) we can help. Contact us for help in closing the loop!
Energy Efficiency & Co-generation
The old saying goes “No one is an island”, but sometimes that is not true. Could you generate your own electricity? Perhaps. Would it make you able to keep running when others can not? Is that of value? Could be. The first thing to do is to find out how much energy you use, and what type. Then look at the options for generating your own. The unpredictable storms and large-scale climate events of the last 10 years show that being your own island in the storm might be the new normal. There are better ways than just shutting off lights! Get in touch for more.
We would be pleased to help you because as we all improve the whole industry becomes more competitive, more efficient, and more resilient. That’s what we are here for – to help you succeed!
Why Choose Us?
- Experienced – 357 audits on energy & production processes conducted in 23 industrial sectors over 25 years
- Efficient – An investment in us typically returns 3.4 to 1
- Unbiased – not selling any one brand or technology
- In-the-know – We take advantage of all incentives, grants and tax credits available.
- Economical – low overhead, price competitive hourly or fixed-price contract, OR, for zero up-front-cost, through a profit and savings share contract option
- Meticulous – work conducted to internationally standards (ANSI, ISO, ASHRAE, WBSCD)
- Local – Based in New England and 30 minutes from an international airport
- Personal attention – Top-level experience personally working on your project
- Down-to-earth – no high-brow snootiness here! Having traveled in 13 countries, this former rock-climbing director for Tufts University Mountain Club connects as easily to the shop floor as to the CEO!
- Responsive – Accessible via phone, text, email, skype, fax, carrier pigeon…
- Smart – Published author, international trainer, and fluent in business performance metrics: Lean-Six Sigma, ISO, ANSI
- Creative – Breadth of experience bringing synergies between different aspects of a project and additive benefits
- Professional – Discreet & unbiased – All interactions confidential and we not selling any one brand of anything Excellence, Green, and Manufacturing
- Flexible pricing – we can do profit/saving share contracts (performance-based)
Our Process
Here’s what you can expect when working with us…
- We respond: We are not typical, we put our customers first. We promise to respond to you as soon as possible and always within 24 business hours.
- Investigate: We use a system to make sure nothing is missed. We help you evaluate what you need rather than what we can sell you, because we don’t sell products – we are an impartial third-party that will helps you choose the best options.
- Dig Deeper: We want to know the driving impetus of the need. The ‘Root Cause’ as its called in Lean-speak. This could mean we look at energy bills or do a site scope.
- Propose: There always multiple ways to solve a problem. We offer at least three ways you can have us do the heavy lifting for you; some involve cash on the barrel, or a share of the found savings, or a rebated fee from an energy loan package. We’re flexible.
- Educate: We attempt to build your internal capacity to do what we do. Why? Simply put, co-dependant relationships are not healthy.
- Report: As practitioners of Lean ourselves, we keep the reports thin, concise and clear.
- Next Steps: We gladly connect you with the people or technologies to take you to the next steps of your project – even if we are not going to be involved.
Our Experience
- 25 years experience on 4 continents
- 23 industrial sectors
- Wide-variety of facility types: factories, warehouses, schools, healthcare facilities, office complexes, gaming facilities, power generation plants
- 357 audits on energy & production processes
- Fluent in business performance metrics (not just “green”): Lean-Six Sigma, ISO,
- 7 green building proficiencies (LEED, GreenGlobes, Living Building, RETScreen, Energy10, Energy Star, MotorMaster)
- Developer of widely-published Cost Accounting method for analysis of green project’s ROI
Our Commitment
- We are committed to lessening dependence on foreign energy imports.
- We are committed to growing the local economies & US-based manufacturing.
- We will provide un-biased assessment of “green” technologies and transparency in this process.
- We will advise you of the most cautious path for avoiding risk.
- We will advise you of the most opportunistic product / process development path.
- We are fully invested in a more ecologically integrated future, because we are all living on the same planet.
- We choose the least environmentally impactful modes for conducting our own business, including video-conferencing whenever feasible, or travel by train.
View Success Stories from the businesses we have helped
How can you engage with us? Send us an email through Contact Us!