Success Stories

Supply Chain Hardening

  • Facility Risk and Hardening Survey – We helped a well-known aerospace company understand its risk exposure to large-scale weather events and potential supply chain disruption. The next year they averted disaster by having that plan in place when a Category 3 hurricane came ashore.
  • Global Supply Chain Regulatory & Certification Project – Hired by a growth-oriented technology firm to amass knowledge on all current and near-term future ESG regulations, certifications, and eco-labels relevant to domestic and foreign supply chains and located and verified over 956 discrete programs worldwide to create AI software for risk assessment.
  • Conflict Minerals, RoHs & REACH Bill of Materials (BOM) Review for contract manufacturing shop for consumer electronics. Surveyed 132 suppliers for Conflict Minerals, Child Labor, and Chemical restriction compliance.

Total Preventative Maintenance (TPM)

  • Beverage Manufacturer (800,000 sq.ft.) -Designed process modifications for a 20% reduction in sodium hypochlorite in vessel cleaning operations and reduced wash-water volume. Follow-on downstream reductions in wastewater treatment chemicals for 2.1 million gallons-per-day flow.
  • Photographic Film Coating Plant (150,000 sq.ft.) – Process optimization for film coating and drying production lines. 25% reduction in coating waste, and energy input & a case study for State and corporate officials.
  • Leather Tannery (180,000 sq.ft.) – Process modification for tanning, curing, and shaping of cow hides for leather coats. 40% reduction in wastewater, 25% reduction in hazardous waste, and 10% energy use savings.

ESG / Sustainability Reports & Programs

  • Client’s First ESG Report – Fortune 400 Consumer goods packaging company, Tier 1 supplier to health and beauty market segment “heavily persuaded” to get on board with client’s ESG program. Completed tasks within budget and ahead of schedule achieving supplier award from the customer.
  • Completed Forty-five ESG Programs for Small to Mid-sized Businesses – Local manufacturers assessed for climate change risk (supply chain, primary input materials & waste, energy & water use). Actionable projects folded into the first ESG programs for value creation / operational risk reduction.
  • Investor ESG Slide Deck – Vertical Take-Off & Land (VTOL) electric vehicle start-up required ESG materiality and UNSDG’s scoped for inclusion in company brief to solicit next round of funding. Assessed climate risk of the factory site, carbon emission claims, and cultural fit of select UNSDGs.
  • ISO 50001 Energy Conservation Certification – Industrial site – 24,000 sf, Commercial steam boilers, evaporative cooling, and process heating systems, LED light change over, ASHRAE Level 3 Energy audit.

Product & Process Change for Circular Manufacturing

  • Life Cycle Assessment – Composite Materials Assembly Optimization for Recycling – The client was pressured by their major customer to make the fluid dispensing product more recyclable. Product Life Cycle Analysis revealed 3 simple changes to reduce costs and enable mixed mode recycling.
  • Zero-Waste To Landfill Certification – Plastic molding company – 83% reduced waste to landfill within 18 months, developed sorting, marking program, and employee engagement/training plan.
  • Zero Wastewater Discharge Processes – Textile, paper, and printing operations – reductions in off-site waste shipments of 65 to 85%, re-use of process waters, and compliance with local POTW limits.
  • Biofuels / Regenerative Agriculture Pilot Project – the creation of a synergistic loop between local farms with crop waste, bio-diesel fuel production for farming equipment, and sale to the local public.
  • Municipal Electric Car Charging Station – prime consultant on materials selection, for durability, efficacy, and re-manufacturing. Circularity is obtained through an agreement with city groundskeepers to monitor for damage and hot-line to the manufacturer for take-back and refurbishment.

Industrial Energy Efficiency

  • Injection Molding Facility – Demand management opportunities reduced peak demand charges, saving $25,000 per year. 130,000 kWh saved per year for each new molding press purchased. Achieved 5% cycle time reduction, yielding additional 500,000 parts per month of production.
  • Assembly Facility (110,000 sq.ft.) – Saved $28,000 per year in compressed air costs. Reduced 60,000 kWh electricity savings from load shifting to the new trim compressor.
  • Custom Anodizing Facility – $30,000 per month saved through fuel switching analysis. Improved part quality checks through lighting retrofits. Saved $70,000 in fuel oil costs and averted price hikes from petroleum market instability.
  • Plastic Injection Molder (600,000 sq.ft.) – Conducted energy efficiency audits for industrial and building envelope energy use. Assessed impacts of chilled water versus air-cooled chillers on energy use. Optimized compressed air systems to increase available capacity and demand management. Eliminated leaks and extraneous use of air to eliminate the need for an additional 200 Hp compressor. Identified substantial energy savings in the retrofit of injection molding blanket heaters to electric induction heaters. Conducted lighting level calculations and illumination measurements for the entire facility (shop floor, offices, and other spaces) to determine safe lighting levels and areas for de-lamping.
  • National Electricity Utility (750,000 sq.ft.) – Conducted a review of Italy’s largest electric utility’s long-range goals for incorporating all environmental costs into current accounting practices. Led team of consultants, engineers, and management in educational training on specifics of Total Cost Assessment for their power generating processes, and maintenance programs. Identified pilot projects to gain full management support and build on success for utility-wide implementation.
  • High-Speed Assembly Operations (80,000 sq.ft.) – Hired as corporate energy manager to implement energy conservation measures across three facilities over a two-year period. Conservation measures included: air compressor leak analyses, air use reduction, pressure regulation, electricity demand reduction, power factor correction, motor, lighting, and heating upgrades, air-side economizer installations, energy management software, metering installations, and production machinery retro-fits and replacements, and trained floor workers. Acquired state and utility-based incentives and grants.
  • Food Manufacturing (800,000 sq.ft.) – Developed energy audit for conveyor motors, lighting, and cooling system. Developed process changes to reduce the use of sodium hypochlorite in vessel cleaning operations and reduce wash water volume. Analyzed impacts of changes on current wastewater treatment and settling system for 2.1 million gpd flow rates. Conducted feasibility and pilot studies of electronic biocide replacement for chemical biocide use in process cooling waters. Proposed adoption of Sustainable Manufacturing practices to corporate officers.

Carbon Footprints

  • Consumer Goods Containers (9 sites, 900,000 sq.ft.) – WBCSD protocols used for enterprise-wide baseline emissions. The site walk-through identified unexpected opportunities to eliminate the need for a new 200-hp air compressor, de-lamping to reduce glare/eye fatigue, and increase productivity, and energy savings spotted from changing injection mold heaters to induction heaters.

We would be pleased to help you. As we all improve, the whole industry becomes more competitive, more efficient, and more resilient. We are here to help you succeed! 

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