Press Release:
Avon, CT, USA
Love Manufacturing? This site’s for you!
“The Baby Boom generation, which has dominated US manufacturing jobs, is starting to retire. With 2 million people retiring from the industrial sectors and an anticipated 700,000 new positions being created by economic growth in the United States, we have a looming crisis on our hands,”(1) said Dr. Mitch Kennedy, Co-founder of a new website for manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers —
“It’s not just a matter of who is going to fill these positions, but since so many are leaving, how is all that hard-won knowledge going to transfer to the next generation?” asks Dr. Kennedy.
“Manufacturing added $2.09 trillion to the US economy in 2013. The manufacturing sector alone is equal to the ninth largest economy in the world (International Monetary Fund, 2013), said Dr. Mitch Kennedy. “Manufacturing is on the rise. I believe that we are on the cusp of a Renaissance,” said Dr. Kennedy.
What is it?
“ is a central idea exchange platform for people who make things,” said Dr. Mitch Kennedy. “Technology is propelling us forward in every aspect of life, and factories are no exception. Luckily, communication channels are also getting better and better. We wanted to take advantage of this by creating a ‘Mastermind for Manufacturing©’ — a collaboration platform to help manufacturers and advance society.”
Who’s it for?
- Students (new or changing careers)
- Manufacturers (and all the companies that support manufacturing)
- Makers (entrepreneurial, engineering-oriented, do-it-yourself builders of things)
The goals are to:
1. Support the triple bottom line: people, profit, and the planet. We believe that the way things are manufactured now must become more efficient.
2. Empower those currently in the workforce and create opportunities for students to enter the manufacturing world.
3. Make local and regional economies robust and resilient to disasters, shortages and global economic downturns.
How is it different?
“Every aspect of the site gives people the opportunity to share their knowledge, help others and showcase their smarts,” said Dina Pelletier, one of the co-founders. “We want to empower people to be part of building the factory of the future through”
Why “.Org”?
The business model is based on giving people who are into manufacturing a platform on which to do great things. And beyond that, we want to give back by hosting local events, online contests and the like, that reward forward thinkers, so we are making preparations to become a Benefit Corporation, as it was signed into law in Connecticut effective October 1, 2014.
How to get involved:
“We are looking for members who want to create something great – personally, and as a community,” said Ms. Pelletier. “We are looking for Thought Leaders, wise men and women with hard-won knowledge, and Newcomers to the manufacturing field. We believe that everyone has something to contribute.”
“We are looking for Beta Testers right now. We are offering a Free 1-year Membership to everyone who wants to join us during our start-up phase; plus, everyone who signs up now gets a free 7-page toolkit: The Factory Preparedness Planning Guide, which is useful to any business interested in being prepared for emergencies,” said Ms. Pelletier.
What you can do on
Learn something new in the Topic Areas: (Energy, Facilities, Manufacturing, Materials and Waste, Sales and Marketing, Supply Chain, Technology, Workforce and Community)
Ask a question or give advice on the Forum: The forum is the place to communicate with everyone else on the site. What do you want to know?
List a Resource: Here are the categories… Free Online Tools, Government Websites, Makers Groups, Nonprofit Organizations, Professional Associations, Publications, Schools, Trade Associations, Unions, Vendors
Post an Event: Post local, national or international events here
Write a Classified Ad: Here are the categories… Equipment Rentals, Free Giveaways/Donations, Goods For Sale, Goods Wanted, Internships Offered, Internships Wanted, Jobs Available, Jobs Wanted, Real Estate, Services Offered, Services Wanted
Get Published: Express yourself; show off your knowledge; make an impact on history and help others learn; write an article for
Submit a Photo: Sometimes you just need to use a picture. Submit a photo or drawing to show everyone your idea, your ingenious solution, or to ask a question
Submit a Video: Express your creativity or showcase your project
Relieve stress in the Zone of Fun: Laughter can increase your creativity and even lengthen your life — lighten your mood by visiting the Zone of Fun and express your humor and wit by submitting your own funnies!
Give Your Opinion: Praise, suggestions or corrections — we want to hear it! Each page has a feedback form in the bottom right corner
Sources: (1) Deloitte Consulting & the National Association of Manufacturing – 2014 report.
For background information, would you please visit:
- About section of the website, or
- Dr. Kennedy’s other business, DesignwithNature.US
High-Resolution Images for Print:
(Screenshots of Website and Portrait of Co-founders)
Dropbox Link for the Press:
https: for the press
50-Word Release: Unique new website for manufacturing launches in CT — — a collaboration platform for manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers; an online mastermind group where people with ideas and talents come together to inspire and help each other to make manufacturing stronger, better, faster, and greener.
For Facebook: Manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers will want to visit a unique new website made in CT —
For Twitter – option #1:, a Mastermind for Manufacturing©, launches in CT today for manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers
For Twitter – option #2: is a collaboration platform for manufacturers, students and entrepreneurial makers – an online mastermind group to advance manufacturing.
Press Contact: (860) 255-8601, [email protected]