Looking to show off your smarts? Impress your colleagues? Make your mark on history?
Come on board, be a part of something great and help create the Factory of the Future – while we are in Beta Testing mode, you can join for 1 year for free.
FactoryoftheFuture.org is a new online collaboration platform for manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers to transfer knowledge and promote innovation – a ‘Mastermind for Manufacturing’©.
“FactoryoftheFuture.org is an end-to-end central idea exchange for people who make things,” said Dr. Mitch Kennedy, Co-founder. “Technology is propelling us forward in every aspect of life, and factories are no exception.
Luckily, communication channels are also getting better and better. We want to take advantage of this by creating a collaboration platform to help manufacturers and advance society.”
How to get involved:
“Right now we are looking for writers,” said Dina Pelletier, Co-founder. “We are looking for both Thought Leaders, wise men and women with hard-won knowledge, and Newcomers to the manufacturing field. We believe that everyone has something to contribute.”
LEARN HOW TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE HERE >>> FactoryoftheFuture.org/participate/get-published
We are looking for original manufacturing-related articles in the following categories:
- Design
- Energy
- Facilities
- Finance
- Manufacturing
- Materials & Waste
- Supply chain
- Technology
- Workforce & Community
Free 1-year Membership:
“While in Beta Testing mode, we are offering a free 1-year membership to everyone who wants to join us during our start-up phase,” said Ms. Pelletier.
Members can post for free! Express yourself; show off your knowledge; make an impact on history and help others learn; write an article for FactoryoftheFuture.org.
If you want to share this opportunity, here’s some short text:
32-Word Release: Call for Manufacturing / Industrial writers! FactoryoftheFuture.org – a collaboration platform for manufacturers, technical students and entrepreneurial makers – is looking for writers who want to contribute original articles. Please visit: FactoryoftheFuture.org/participate/get-published for details.
For Twitter (137 characters): Call for Manufacturing / Industrial writers! FactoryoftheFuture.org/participate/get-published #Manufacturing #Industry #Factory #Business
Thank you for your interest — we are very excited to hear from you!
If you have any questions, please use the Comments form, bottom-right corner of this page.