IMAGE CAPTION: Tricky to balance, tricky to stop, but fun as heck!
Monowheels, or Mon-cycles showed up use in 1886 (Hemming’s Unicycle, or “Flying Yankee Velocipede”). Some claim Leonardo DaVinici also invented one, but prints can not be found. Hand-crank powered at first, like the one patented in 1869 by Richard C. Hemming.[1],. In 1931 Goventosa invented a motorized Monowheel, steered by leaning to one side or the other and straightening up when coming out of the turn. They capture the imagination of Makers. Who re-invent them over and again; such as the RIOT Wheel (2005) , DynoWheel (1932), and Hemmings Unicycle (1886) and Maclean’s UniWheel (2006). The latest improvement is the Monowheel Z-One; all electric, styled after the famous Vespa Scooter by Corradino D’Ascanio.
Ah-Ha – Kerry McClean would be inspired! Fabulous!