Hacking into Corporate Computers – How to Better Secure your Data

Security Breaches In mid 2014, a Pennsylvanian U.S. grand jury charged the Peoples Liberation Army (China) with 31 counts of cyber espionage. The charges were the end product of an investigation into security breaches at five U.S. companies and one U.S. labor union. The Chinese government denied responsibility, and after the President Xi Jinping and […]

Hacked Power Utility Controls Overwhelmed

Everyone is talking about the connected world, Internet of Things, Smart-metering, and Smart-buildings. The ironic part is we have totally failed to use proper safeguards to prevent theft, hacking – resulting in a dumb- grid, dumb-building and dumb-connected world. Unauthorized Access In May of 2014, The Department of Homeland Security confirmed a “sophisticated threat actor” […]

Robots – Evaluating Capabilities and Need

Automation comes in many forms, from solenoid-activated air bursts, to programmed 5-axis milling machines with interchangeable carts for in-coming and out-going goods. In the middle are a group of machines wholly called robots, which serve a diverse range of functions in the factory. When is it time for this level of automation? What can they […]

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